Sleigh Bill$
Game Information
Ticket Price | $1 |
Top Prize | $5,000 |
Overall Odds | 1:4.89 |
Launch Date | 11/03/2020 |
Game Number | 0044 |
Game Status | Ended |
End Date | 02/26/2021 |
Claim Deadline | 05/27/2021 |
* Approximate overall odds of winning including breakeven prizes is established at the time of printing. Chances of winning will change as prizes are won. |
Game Instructions:
2nd Chance Drawing Information:
The drawing took place on Wednesday, June 2, 2021. The winner of a $5,000 prize is located in Lucedale, MS.
Match 3 like prize amounts, win that amount. Match 2 like amounts and a symbol, win DOUBLE that amount.
Game Prize Info:
Prize Value Original Prize Count Remaining Prize Count $5,000 2nd Chance Prize 0
Last updated 02/19/2025