Wheel of Fortune
Game Information
Ticket Price | $5 |
Top Prize | $100,000 |
Overall Odds | 1:4.18 |
Launch Date | 02/01/2022 |
Game Number | 87 |
Game Status | Ended |
End Date | 07/01/2024 |
Claim Deadline | 09/29/2024 |
* Approximate overall odds of winning including breakeven prizes is established at the time of printing. Chances of winning will change as prizes are won. |
Game Instructions:
Click Here to learn more about the Five (5) Winner’s Choice™ promotional prizes + start entering your tickets!
Match any of your numbers to any of the winning numbers, win prize shown for that number. Reveal a “5x” symbol, win 5 times the prize for that symbol. Reveal a “10x” symbol, win 10 times the prize for that symbol.
Win Up to $100,000!
Game Prize Info:
Prize Value Original Prize Count Remaining Prize Count $100,000 2nd Chance Prize 1 $100,000 3 0 $5,000 3 0 $1,000 6 0 $500 495 11 $100 6,554 220 $50 38,598 1,613 $25 48,223 1,788 $20 77,168 2,443 $15 57,881 2,757 $10 173,739 9,554 $5 289,459 24,616
Last updated 02/06/2025